Meet the Lothian team who are set to take part in the 2024 edition of the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge.

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As we build up to the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge now is ample time to hear from some of the Lothian team who will be competing next week.

Andrew Cairns - Coachbuilder

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I would like to show my skill set

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
The skills challenge will let people see my working standards and skill base

Chloe Riddell - App Mechanic/Electrician

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I wanted to show and test my skills and abilities

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I believe the skills challenge will help with my personal objectives as it will  help me improve

Darryl McCrossan - Mechanic/Electrician

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
To test myself to see how I compare to more experienced technicians

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I think it will show me where I am and help me work out where I need to improve

Dean white - Mechanic

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I want to test myself against other technicians

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
The skills challenge will highlight any areas I can potentially improve on.

Jai Anthony - App Coachbuilder

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I wanted to challenge myself

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Taking part in the skills challenge will show me what I have done and any areas I am able to achieve

Wojciech Hernik - App Mechanic 

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I wanted to overcome challenges

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Learning makes people more innovative and valuable in the workplace