We are delighted to share some exciting updates and innovations that are on the near horizon for our members.

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At the Society of Operations Engineers (SOE), we are committed to continuous improvement and strategic growth. As we navigate through these dynamic times, we want to share a number of key initiatives and strategic priorities that we believe will benefit our members and the wider industry. 

We are taking a comprehensive look at our strategy to ensure it aligns with our long-term goals and the evolving needs of our members. This involves evaluating our current initiatives, exploring new opportunities, and recalibrating our focus to maximise impact and value.

Helping engineers navigate career growth in engineering

Our Pathways to Progress: Navigating Career Growth in Engineering guide was met with widespread success across both membership and the engineering space with key figures within the industry endorsing the guide.

SOE is spearheading conversations to raise the profile of Professional Registration as well as boost awareness around the many possibilities of progression within engineering. Our panel event next Tuesday in London is an example of this. With speakers from the Engineering Council, Society for the Environment, Flixbus and National Gas, this is a must-attend if you’re looking at progression for yourself or your employees. Join us if you haven’t signed up yet.

The success of the Pathways to Progress guide is just one example of the exciting direction that SOE is heading towards and proof of our commitment to both members and the wider industry. In addition to this we have several projects already in the pipeline, and with some being launched later this year, the future of the SOE is exciting.

New digital platforms to support membership

Our brand-new mentoring platform, launching later this year, is one of the many innovations we’re investing in. By facilitating a space in which some of the most experienced engineers can mentor and pass their knowledge on, we will tackle the skills shortage plaguing the industry. 

As well as the mentoring platform, we are also developing a CPD platform in partnership with our publisher Mark Allen Group. More on that later this year.

Refocusing our strategic priorities

At SOE, our members are at the heart of everything we do. To ensure we continue to meet your needs effectively, we are refocusing our strategic priorities. This involves a thorough review of our investments to determine which initiatives provide the most value. By doing so, we can concentrate our efforts and resources on areas that deliver significant benefits and drive the industry forward.

Over the past 24 years, our Commercial Vehicle Show partnership has been both fruitful and enjoyable, providing numerous opportunities for growth and collaboration within the industry. As part of refocusing our strategic priorities, the SOE will be bidding adieu to this long partnership in September. However, SOE’s IRTE (Institute of Road Transport Engineers) sector will very much be involved in the Commercial Vehicle Show next year with a refined presence. While we are in the process of decoupling from the partnership, we want to wish Nineteen Group and our old friends at the Commercial Vehicle Show LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) good luck, and we are excited for what CV Show 2025 brings. Later this year, SOE will announce new partnerships and initiatives that will elevate the value of membership. 

Commitment to our members

Our dedication to our members remains unwavering. By taking a strategic look at our investments and partnerships, we aim to maximise the benefits for our community. We are committed to providing exceptional value through innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and a member-centric approach. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work towards these exciting developments. Your support and engagement are crucial to our success, and we look forward to embarking on this journey together.