Ratpdev London team who are set to take part in the 2024 edition of the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge.

Skills Challenge 2023 TG 1004.jpg

(Photo credit: 2023 Skills Challenge)

As we build up to the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge now is ample time to hear from some of the Ratpdev London team who will be competing next week.

Benjamin Omiri  - Engineering apprentice

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
Its an opportunity to display my skills and prepare for my End-point assessment (EPA).

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I think its an opportunity to prepare and have an idea what to expect or a mock for EPA

Peter Blake   - Engineer

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I’ve previously attended and had the desire to recheck skills.

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
It’s good to see others and work in a new environment.

Chitra B Chand- Engineering apprentice

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I want to participate because I will be able to find my weakness and improve it in future

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Very relevant

Mayurbharthi Goswami- Engineering apprentice

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
My colleagues.

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I will be learning a lot and it will boost my confidence.